Selected Media Coverage


UK Policy. Greenhouse gas removal: How could it help the UK reach net-zero by 2050?

  • A mix of scientists, economists and government advisers met in London last week to discuss how removing greenhouse gases from air could help the UK hit net-zero emissions by 2050. continue to read

News Article | CarbonBrief | May 2022

IPCC AR6 Climate Change Report (III) and the role of Carbon Dioxide Removals


TV Interview | BBC Two, Newsnight | April 2022

Changement climatique: qu'est-ce que la capture du carbone et peut-elle sauver la planète?

  • Si le monde veut éviter les pires conséquences du changement climatique, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre doivent se rapprocher du niveau net zéro d'ici à 2050, ce qui signifie que nous retirerons de l'atmosphère autant de carbone que nous en émettons. …. continue to read

News Article | BBC World News | April 2022

Countries transitioning to zero carbon should look at more than technology cost.

  • A 'one-size-fits-all' approach to producing cleaner energy based on cost alone could create social inequalities, finds a new study. …

    … Many current models for determining the best mix of strategies for a country to adopt focus on the projected cost of the technologies. However, this 'one-size-fits-all' approach ignores the current state of a country's energy economy and industrial strengths, which could lead to social inequalities, argue Imperial College London researchers in a new analysis published today in Joule.

    The team took the example of three countries -- Spain, Poland and the UK -- and ran an analysis that included the economic and social implications of different energy mixes, as well as the technology costs.continue to read

News Article | ScienceDaily | August 2020

Reducing US coal emissions through biomass and carbon capture would boost employment.

  • While the need for solutions for the impending consequences of rising global temperatures has become increasingly urgent, many have expressed concerns about the loss of jobs as current technologies like coal-fired power plants are phased out. A new study has run the numbers associated with the impacts of cutting coal plant jobs while at the same time employing techniques for bioenergy coupled with carbon capture and storage.continue to read

News Article | ScienceDaily | November 2018