Public Speaking
Keynote | Carbon sequestration Leadership Forum (CSFL) | 2022 Mid-Year Technical Group Meeting | Bergen Norway | 28. June 2022
Understanding the Carbon Removal Landscape on the Path to Net Zero
Webinar | Climate Impact Partners | 16. June 2022
Comparative assessment & region-specific optimisation of GGR
Presentation | UK Greenhouse Gas Removal Event: Results from the GGR-A Programme and next steps for research | CO₂RE - The Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub | 24. May 2022
Bioenergy and Fit for 55: Delivering for 2030, preparing for 2050
Webinar | EU Sustainable Energy Week | 12. October 2021
A spatial framework for levelled-up and low-carbon Industrial clusters
The talk proposed a spatially explicit modeling framework that quantifies the socio-economic impacts associated with decarbonizing the industrial sectors and accounts for region-specific features, such as the industrial specialization of regions, their relative size, and their economic interdependencies. The framework applies to a case study that uses low carbon hydrogen to decarbonize the energy-intensive industries in Europe and in the UK. The results demonstrated that interregional economic interdependencies drive the overall economic benefits of decarbonization. Policies intended to concurrently transition to net zero and address existing regional imbalances should take these local factors into account.
The Near-Far Problem: Surviving Climate Change, Future of Humanity Summit
Hosted in partnership with the Global Policy Journal and the LSE Alumni Association, the panel discussed the key societal changes, policy measures, and technical interventions that can contribute to tackling climate change in the near term. I elaborated on how social science can inform engineering models towards the identification of a fair and just transition to a low-carbon future.
Panel Discussion | Recorded Session | London School of Economics (LSE) | 27. March 2021
Accounting for the social dimension in planning the transition
The net-zero transition requires unprecedented changes to our society and energy system. Energy systems modelling enables to compare different decarbonization pathways, but do models reflect actual social feasibility and acceptability? This webinar discussed how net energy systems modelling can better account for the social dimension in planning for a net zero future. During the session I presented some of the key findings of my work on socially equitable energy systems transitions.
Webinar Series | Seminar Recordings | Cambridge NetZero | University of Cambridge | 24. November 2020
Carbon Removal and Return – Can CCS Decarbonise Industry in South America and help the oceans?
Panel Discussion | UNFCCC COP25 | Madrid | 4. December 2019
Creating value while reaching Net Zero
Panel Discussion | US Department of Energy (DOE) | Annual meeting | Pittsburgh, USA | 26. August 2019
Deep decarbonization scenarios for the UK power sector
Keynote | British Institute for Energy Economics (BIEE) | 5. June 2019
Bio-energy supply chain optimization in line with sustainable development goals
Keynote | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) | Uppsala, Sweden | 4. November 2018
Spatial explicit tools for sustainable biomass supply chains
Keynote | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) | Vienna | 4. June 2017