Research Projects

The Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub (CO2RE)
The Multi-Center Research Consortium CO2RE conducts cross-cutting research on the environmental, economic, social, legal and governance issues around Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) technologies and practices.
My role in the project is to evaluate the relative ease by which GGR can be integrated into the UK energy system using system modelling and other quantitative approaches. The analysis extends to 2050 and thus allows for identifying critical barriers (e.g., natural resource and physical infrastructure requirement, access to low carbon energy sources, project economics) for the deployment of GGR at scale in the short and medium-term. See more details here

Lead: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Oxford University | Founder: UKRI SPF Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrators (GGR-D) Programme | CO2 Removal Hub (CO2RE) | 2020–2024 | UK

Quantifying and Deploying Responsible Negative Emissions in Climate Resilient Pathways.
Assessment of the realistic potential of Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs) in Europe, and how these can contribute to the EU Net Zero targets, as a supplementary strategy to emission mitigation. In this project, my focus lies on expanding the database of the MONET model with a suite of NETs that could be realistically deployed in the EU and evaluating a range of policy scenarios to foster their country-level deployment. See key research findings here.

Lead: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland | Founder: EU Commission, EU Horizon 2020 Program | NEGEM Research Consortium | 2020–2024

Delivery of Sustainable supply of non-food biomass to support a resource-efficient biomass supply in Europe.
Development of strategies and roadmaps that are informed by a computerized toolset to support sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level —EU28, Western Balkans, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine.

Lead: IIASA | Founder: EU Commission | S2Biom | 2013-2016 | Vienna

Research Interests